Hi all,
I am trying to create a model in FM for some reporting. This is based on a relational database not a data warehouse. I've never run into this issue and have asked our in-house expert and neither has he so turning to the experts here!
There is a field that is a 10 character field that is being brought into FM as a binary field when I run the metadata wizard. I have checked with our iSeries guru and he has looked at the table on the iSeries and it is definitely a character field with a length of 10. Yet when I pull the table into FM it is a binary field and as a result I get no data in that field. And to make matters worse, it is the field on which I need to join other tables. Any suggestions? thx Brenda
Can't you CAST the data item to a readable data type?
I tried cast ([field] , varchar ( 10 ) ) and got an error: XQE-GEN-0036 Unsupported datatype 'binary' for data item '[Business Model].[AM2000 Audit Data].[User ID]' .