Hi ,
I have mostly worked with dimension reporting in cognos and having one issue with relational reporting.
I wanted to show how much discounting vs promotions are given for a specific customer in a certain period .
My promotions and discounts are differentiated by the below conditions based on 2 fields in promo query subject .
promotions : [AME Billings].[Promo].[Promo Code] <> '' AND [AME Billings].[Promo].[Non Promo Exclusion Flag] = ''
Discounts :[AME Billings].[Promo].[Promo Code] = '' OR [AME Billings].[Promo].[Non Promo Exclusion Flag] = 'X'
if the above case works then it has to subtract list price - sale price to get the values.
so i wanted to use a stacked chart in 11.1 which accepts only one measure so I created a calculated measure like
Measure : total(([AME Billings].[Billings].[Revenue At List Doc Currency] - [AME Billings].[Billings].[H1 Full Revenue Doc Currency]) for [Bill-to Customer Number],[Month],[Year])
And then in categories have the time period
And then in colors or series I have the promotions and discounts data items .
When I run the report I am gettign an error
XQE-GEN-0005 Found an internal error:java unsupported operation
Will this be considered as a calculated member :
promotions : [AME Billings].[Promo].[Promo Code] <> '' AND [AME Billings].[Promo].[Non Promo Exclusion Flag] = ''
or how can i make this and discounts as 2 members .
Any suggestion on if what i am doing is correct for series and the measure .