For some reason I can't seen to remember how to do this really simple thing.
I want to plot Month Name as the X axis against a measure on the Y axis.
I want each year to show as a separate line on a graph.
I am sure I have done this before, I can't seem to do it on either the legacy charts or on the new visualisations.
Can anyone help me out?
thanks in advance
Quote from: AbuHaneefah on 22 Apr 2020 04:07:22 PM
For some reason I can't seen to remember how to do this really simple thing.
I want to plot Month Name as the X axis against a measure on the Y axis.
I want each year to show as a separate line on a graph.
I am sure I have done this before, I can't seem to do it on either the legacy charts or on the new visualisations.
Can anyone help me out?
thanks in advance
Do you have an item that contains just the month name (without the year being part of it)? This would go in the X-axis, the measure in the Y axis and the Year in the lines.
Here's an example using the GO Sales (Query) sample package (attached).