Hi All,
I get this error when I try to create a new FM model. I can open an existing model though. But if I try to make any changes, it again gives me this error. For publishing packages too.
Any help is greatly appreciated. I had a Windows 2000 machine and it has been upgraded to XP.
CCL-RCI-0001 Unhandled WASP (third-party) exceptions were converted into this generic RCIException code.
Token 'html:(null)' is not valid SOAP Envelope.
thrown at src/xmlprotocol/soap/SOAPProtocolInputMessage.cpp:274
caught at src/client/StubData.cpp:237
-- end-of-nested 'WASP_XMLProtocolException' --
thrown at src/client/StubData.cpp:238
caught at RCIReportNet.cpp:7063
rethrown at RCIReportNet.cpp:7071
Hi ..Never mind..I found the problem..the SDK URI was wrong...
Thanks and sorry
i think you should have admin privilages