Are the version 11.0 radial charts not permitted to format the value data? I create a very simple one-value radial chart (.883 as the value, 1 as the max value, and then change every single data format tied to the visualization to "Percentage, 1 decimal place". Should simply read as 88.3% But it stays as a number (88) and cannot be changed at all no matter what I try.
11.1 works fine but unfortunately we cant use it because it doesnt allow custom color palettes to be exported to PDF yet. :(
Please advise--looking for any sort of workaround for this to make a simple number show as a % in 11.0 RADIALS.
PS - We currently have a ticket in to IBM to address the 11.1 color palette to PDF issue and they confirmed its not possible currently. So just need a temporary workaround--hard to believe you cant format basic data in 11.0