Hi ,
I have a simple if else on a dimensional data source.
I have product on rows and some calcs on the column ,
Then i bring in an additional calc like
Then ('Other')
My result is empty , can i not have value in my if condition and then string in my result
if I use a number instead of other or team it works but not with string .
Quote from: cognos05 on 07 Apr 2020 08:52:44 AM
Hi ,
I have a simple if else on a dimensional data source.
I have product on rows and some calcs on the column ,
Then i bring in an additional calc like
Then ('Other')
My result is empty , can i not have value in my if condition and then string in my result
if I use a number instead of other or team it works but not with string .
This sounds like the same use case Paul answered the other day?
Did you try using a layout expression as he suggested?
I tried Layout expression and it works for below case, but its not working for my requirement .
Pd1 and pd2 are two members.
Set1 - (PD1 ,PD2)
Columns - Measures
Nested a crosstab space next to set1 and added a layout expression like ,
case Query.set1
when 'sfs'then 'sdsd'
etc.. and this works fine as intended .
Now my product set in crosstab rows is formed little bit different , they are not directly the members from product dimension
Dateitem1 - (Total(currentmeasure within set (Pd1,Pd2))
DateItem2 - (Total(currentmeasure within set(Pd3,pd4))
Set2 - set(Dataitem1,Dateitem2)
Now if I do
case Query.Set2
when 'dfdf' then 'sdsd'
it gives me crx-uda-2001 internal error .
Is there a different way i can group members so that above set will work .
Any help on this is really appreciated.