In Cognos Analytics 11 is it possible to drill-down and keep the parent levels like the imaged attached ?
All tips and ideas are greatfully excepted.
Best regards,
Quote from: oscarca on 07 Apr 2020 04:59:50 AM
In Cognos Analytics 11 is it possible to drill-down and keep the parent levels like the imaged attached ?
All tips and ideas are greatfully excepted.
Best regards,
You're referring to "Expand and collapse" here rather than drill down/up, if I'm understanding correctly?
There was an option for this in Cognos 10 in Workspace Advanced, but so far nothing out-of-the-box in Cognos Analytics gives you this option. I have heard there might be something new coming along soon, but as of right now, the only option I think you have is to use JavaScript in a report. Paul has an article on his blog about this: