We added two new measures to the cubes in Transformer. The cube refreshes with no issues when done manually in Transformer. But when run with batch file, the below error appears relating to newly added measures.
lun. 06 avr. 2020 03:00:13 2 00000000 QE-DEF-0030 Expression parsing error.
lun. 06 avr. 2020 03:00:13 2 00000000 QE-DEF-0359 The query contains a reference to at least one object '[Presentation Layer].[Combined Fact].[MH Adjustment - 9L Cases]' that does not exist.
lun. 06 avr. 2020 03:00:13 2 00000000 QE-DEF-0030 Expression parsing error.
lun. 06 avr. 2020 03:00:13 2 00000000 QE-DEF-0359 The query contains a reference to at least one object '[Presentation Layer].[Combined Fact].[MH Adjustment - Actual Cases]' that does not exist.
lun. 06 avr. 2020 03:00:13 4 00000000 End processing 0 records from data source 'Combined Depletion Fact'.
lun. 06 avr. 2020 03:00:13 4 00000000 Timing, READ DATA SOURCE,00:00:01
lun. 06 avr. 2020 03:00:14 4 00000000 End cube update.
lun. 06 avr. 2020 03:00:14 4 00000000 Timing, TOTAL TIME (CREATE CUBE),00:00:11
lun. 06 avr. 2020 03:00:14 2 00000000 (TR0168) Transformer could not open the data source [Combined Fact]. [->OK]
Has anyone encountered this issue? What can be the possible reason for this?
Using Cognos 10.2.2, sign on to database and Windows sign on is included. Data source is FM package.
Tried republishing the FM package.
Below is the batch file script.
"E:\Program Files (x86)\ibm\cognos\c10_1022\bin\cogtr.exe" -n1 -ksignon=userid/password -g -m"E:\Transformer Models\1 - LATEST MODELS\Depletions Combined Measures\Depletions Combined Measures.pyj"
This issue has been addressed.
This was related to package publishing in framework manager. We were publishing package with 'Enable model versioning' checked.But the cube batch script was still pointing to original package that didn't contain newly added columns.So we published the package without model versioning and now the batch file is pointing to latest latest package and batch script runs without any issues.
Below resources helped me in addressing this.
Although if someone can elaborate on pros and cons of model versioning, that would be helpful.
Quote from: White light on 29 May 2020 01:22:59 PM
This issue has been addressed.
This was related to package publishing in framework manager. We were publishing package with 'Enable model versioning' checked.But the cube batch script was still pointing to original package that didn't contain newly added columns.So we published the package without model versioning and now the batch file is pointing to latest latest package and batch script runs without any issues.
Below resources helped me in addressing this.
Although if someone can elaborate on pros and cons of model versioning, that would be helpful.
Does this old post of mine help?
Yes MF it is helpful. One more old post of yours also helped.
Thanks a lot