Is there a calculation or function from COGNOS where it can calculate business days?
I use this ' _add_days ([Main Query].[DUE_DT], 1) ' To add a day to the original date, but what if the next day is not a business day? I am thinking of maybe a case statement, but I am not sure it will work.
I am open to suggestions
TIA :)
The short answer is no...Cognos can't know what is and isn't a business day for you. What if you don't work on Wednesdays? How would it know if Sunday was a normal working day or not?
The only thing I can suggest is to create a calendar table in your database with every day in it. A column (attribute) against each date could then be WorkingDay with a 1 or a 0 in it. You could then have a query in your report that selects all the working days, and takes the minimum date that's greater than your [DUE_DT] field.