Cognos8 charts in report studio seem to differ quite a bit when compared to the ones in Reportnet. In Reportnet it seems to be possible to assign query items to just measure and series. (and relate the measure to the series object) Cognos 8 forces a category in as well. Is there a way around this in Report studio?
No it does not force categories.
I have many graphs that just use measure and series. May be something else is going on.
What version are you using? Though we never experienced that in 8.1 or 8.2
Quote from: Suraj Neupane on 31 Jan 2008 03:33:04 PM
No it does not force categories.
I have many graphs that just use measure and series. May be something else is going on.
What version are you using? Though we never experienced that in 8.1 or 8.2
Version is 8.2
I use a complex SQL query that fetches data directly. I drag a graph into the report (which introduces a second query)
Through 'manage queries' I associate the SQL to that query.
I drag the measure into the graph and a dimension into the series.
When I run the report the graph is empty.
The same SQL associated with a list shows the correct data.
What am I missing?
Try playing with aggregate properties of the measure.
I've seen that sometimes doing that resolves the issue.
Quote from: Suraj Neupane on 01 Feb 2008 11:15:57 AM
Try playing with aggregate properties of the measure.
I've seen that sometimes doing that resolves the issue.
Changing the aggregate behavior to total on the measure solved this. Not at all surprising I guess. With freehand SQL Cognos should be told have to behave like this (automatic works only with a framework source)
Glad you got it working. :-)