CA 11.0.13
Since, we upgraded to CA 11.0.13 from Cognos BI 10.2.2, we have encountered periodic problems where large numbers of reports go to a Pending Status (rather than Executing or Waiting).
There may only a be a few (1 -5) reports actually Executing, but as many as 50+ in a Pending Status.
This situation is almost immediately rectified by "nudging" the Batch Report Services on each of the dispatchers.
Cognos Adinistration Console > System > All Servers > Services > Batch Report Service > Start on each dispatcher.
As soon as this is done, reports seem to almost immediately start running and/or complete.
Has anyone else seen this behavior and how did you prevent this from re-occurring?
Are there any preventative or monitoring methodologies that we can put into place?
Any thoughts would be gratefully appreciated.
We've experienced the same issue after we migrated from Cognos 11.0.7 to 11.1.1, mostly during the first few days of the month.
Initially, we tried "nudging" the Batch Report Service as well, which only resolved the issue temporarily. After a few hours the reports started pending again. We involved IBM Support and they have suggested the following:
Have a separate Notification Store DB.
Increased the "Maximum number of processes for the batch report service during peak period".
Increase "Maximum memory for Websphere Liberty Profile in MB"
Additionally, we noticed the reports and jobs in pending state were triggered after one or more reports or jobs were running for a long time. Improving report run times helped. Also, several jobs were running reports concurrently. Those have been asked to run sequentially.
After about three months of tweaking and testing, we've not encountered the issue during the last two months. (knock on wood)
I hope this helps.
we moved from 11.0.7 to 11.0.13.
I noticed the same behavior but the reports/jobs that went rouge are actually reports that were ran from a long time ago. All of them does not even have the PID.
Even when you explicitly cancel them, they'll just comeback as pending.
I guess i'll try "nudging" as well and the steps above.