Hi All,
My requirement is to burst the report with email body should show Summary data and detailed report in excel as in attachment within same email.
I am using two List in the report - one for summary data and another for detailed data.
I have tried String variable (Report output()) with values HTML and spreadsheetML, Used it as render variable but i am getting two different emails, one as email body with summary data and another with excel attachment.
is there any way i can get this in one single email.
Note : with normal schedule i am able to do this, but while bursting i am getting this issue.
You can try to implement an Event Studio Agent instead of Bursting.
It does require more effort but ultimately gives you more flexibility in case you can't do something with out of the box features
https://www.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/en/SSEP7J_11.0.0/com.ibm.swg.ba.cognos.ug_cr_es.doc/t_ug_cr_es_crtng_ag_ad_eml_tsk.html#ug_cr_es_crtng_ag_ad_eml_tsk (https://www.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/en/SSEP7J_11.0.0/com.ibm.swg.ba.cognos.ug_cr_es.doc/t_ug_cr_es_crtng_ag_ad_eml_tsk.html#ug_cr_es_crtng_ag_ad_eml_tsk)