Hi All,
We are planning to move our on premises cognos to Cloud platform. Can we continue with the existing license or is there a separate license model for cloud ? . We are using Cognos 10.2.2
Quote from: cognoslearner1 on 12 Feb 2020 07:25:32 AM
Hi All,
We are planning to move our on premises cognos to Cloud platform. Can we continue with the existing license or is there a separate license model for cloud ? . We are using Cognos 10.2.2
When you refer to "Cloud platform", do you mean you are renting your own public cloud instance and installing Cognos into that, or are you referring to switching to the IBM-managed Software-as-a-Service option? If the first, then you just use your existing licenses. If the second, there is a different licensing model (in fact there are two - one for dedicated and a different one for on-demand).