We have a question related to C11 Licenses accounting on LIcenses Managent on Cognos portal (see attachment).
We're deleting C11 users in order to match current Active Directory users situation and we expected thet after some deletions, the number of licenses accounted on C11 portal, would decrease. Even when we press "Refresh" button the number still remain fixed.
Is there any trick or suggestion in order to have this figure updated ??
I don't think there is a way to reset. You should ask IBM Support.
What version? In 11.0.13, licenses are counted incorrectly. Many of my users are being counted as Analytics Administrators even though their capabilities make them Analytics Users.
If I remember correctly, recycling the servers will reset all counts to zero and then as users sign-on they will be assigned appropriately.
Hope this helps,
What does "recycling the servers" mean? Where I come from that means they are ground up or melted down so that the raw materials can be separated and turned into new things. Do you mean "restart the service", "restart the server"???
My server reboots every night (because, well,... IBM Cognos and Microsoft Windows) and my numbers are always wrong. My Licenses pane currently shows 2461 Total (global licenses). I assure you, my Cognos server has not seen 2461 people log in since 9:00 PM last night. That number is closer to 150.
Yes, "recycling the servers" means either a "shutdown/restart of all the Cognos services" or a "full shutdown/restart of your Cognos server(s) - Just different terminology.
As I said, it was my memory that it reset when you did this, obviously based on your findings that is not the case.
A point of interest, you mention that CA 11.0.13 is counting incorrectly, how do you know this - Is there some confirmation from IBM?
Thanks in advance,
I confirmed with IBM Support that capabilities granted to all of my users (besides the two administrators) matches Analytics User. The Licenses tab shows my Analytics Administrator number is in the hundreds when it should be 1 (my other admin license is not being used).
IBM Support stated that there is a bug.
QuoteSo I was discussing this issue with my colleague and they have actually come across this before. It turns out that there was a bug logged for this. I wasn't able to find anything related in my previous research but they sent me the link:
Let me know your feedback on this. It looks like the fix is planned to be released in 11.1.3 from what I am seeing in the notes.
Thanks, that's great to know!
We are on CA 11.0.13 and seeing similar counting on the License Usage Report.
At least I can stop checking/double-checking all my user groups/roles and their capabilities to make sure that the licensing is assigned correctly until we upgrade to a high enough CA 11.1.x release.
I did get some further information from my trusted IBM Business Partner as follows:
- There is no documented way to reset the license usage report to zeroes without deleting all user profiles in that environment.
- Once capabilities are changed, a user will move from one level to another based on their capabilities when they next log on.
- Users who have been removed from the authentication source (or by some other means has their cognos access revoked) will still show up as consuming a license in the license tool – because license consumption is based on the presence of the user profile in Cognos, not the presence of the user in the authentication source or in a particular built-in role. To free up their license from the counter, you can delete their user profile manually. If you want to delete unused profiles en masse you can run a content Administration task (consistency check) with mode = find and fix (always run with mode find the first time, just to validate what will be deleted before it actually gets deleted).
Hope this is helpful.