Lets say we have 10 order numbers, each of these orders have product description, amount, and price. I grouped all this information by the pertaining order number. How can I get a $ total of what each customer spent.
Thanks in Advance.
Quote from: Esosa on 04 Feb 2020 09:04:50 AM
Lets say we have 10 order numbers, each of these orders have product description, amount, and price. I grouped all this information by the pertaining order number. How can I get a $ total of what each customer spent.
Thanks in Advance.
What defines how much a customer spent? Are all orders for the same customer, or do you have a mix of customers within the 10 orders?
If all orders are for the same customer, then something like
total([price] for report) should give you the overall price total
If you have different customers, then
total([price] for [customer]) should give you the customer total
Do I add it as an expression? If I use the total option in the toolbar it gives me the total for all orders in the whole table.
I know it sounds daft, but add grouping to the product description as well. You should then be able to use the total option from the toolbar to get a total per order number.
Totally worked, thank you very much for your time.
No idea why it works though...doesn't make any sense to me, but if it gets you the result you need :D