I have a Share dimension having 5 rows with codes as X1,X2,X3,X4,X5. I also have a Portfolio dimension which uses the values of share dimension.
My fact table "FACT" does not have rows for "X2" of share dimension. But I still need to display X2 column in my report.
Hence I created a query "Q1" with columns from Fact and Share dimension. Then another query "Q2" with Share dimension columns. I then made a new query "JOINQRY" by doing a left outer join between Share dim and Portfolio fact.
I created a Cross tab report from the JOINQRY, with row dimension as Portfolio name; Column dimension as Shares and measure as Fact. Now if the measure is null,I get a blank row (As it is left outer and right table does not have value). How to remove the null row? If I say fact is null, it removes the column (X2) itself.
An alternative method is using a List report and code manually for each columns as X1,X2,... which is not a great idea. I want to check whether there is any option to use the Crosstab eliminating the blank row.
Thanks in advance,
What is datasource? Relational package, cube, DMR, anything else?
Its a relational one Oracle.
But the queries and joins I am creating inside Query Studio only; using the existing objects in the package.
Quote from: asmfloyd on 12 Dec 2019 04:03:48 PM
I have a Share dimension having 5 rows with codes as X1,X2,X3,X4,X5. I also have a Portfolio dimension which uses the values of share dimension.
My fact table "FACT" does not have rows for "X2" of share dimension. But I still need to display X2 column in my report.
Hence I created a query "Q1" with columns from Fact and Share dimension. Then another query "Q2" with Share dimension columns. I then made a new query "JOINQRY" by doing a left outer join between Share dim and Portfolio fact.
I created a Cross tab report from the JOINQRY, with row dimension as Portfolio name; Column dimension as Shares and measure as Fact. Now if the measure is null,I get a blank row (As it is left outer and right table does not have value). How to remove the null row? If I say fact is null, it removes the column (X2) itself.
You are probably not explaining your joins correctly
Q1: Fact inner join Share dimension (
is this a Portfolio fact? Where Portfolio name is coming from?)
Q2: Share dimension only
JOINQRY: Q2 left join Q1
Hi Andrei,
I am sorry for the confusion.
Q1: Yes it is a Portfolio Fact. It is joined with Share and Portfolio dims. So Portfolio name is also in there.
So Query1 has sharename,Portfolioname and Fact measure.
Q2: Share dimension only.
So for the row X2 from Q2 query, there is no matching row in Q1.
Thanks much for looking.
I did some tests. Suppress Zeros By Rows Only did the trick in my test. Did you try it?
Wow!! Thanks much Andrei. You made my day!!.Ddn't know that there was something like that. (: