Hoping you can help with connection issues. I am Using Cognos 10.2.2 and Oracle 12.1.0 I was able to create new Data Source on Dev box successfully, but when I am trying to make connection
to SIT box, I am getting error. I updated the tnsnames.ora on the SIT box (below is for Dev and SIT). When creating connection on cognos, I am selecting
Type: Oracle, Use defualt gateway, unchecked "Configure JDBC connection", SQL*Net connection string: dw_sit, selected "Signons" and put userid and password and when I click on
"Test the connection" I get the attached error. I am able to log on using Oracle SQL Developer but not when trying to connect in Cognos. This works fine in Dev box but not on SIT box. I have
other Oracle connections that work on both Dev and SIT, but for some reason this particular connection I am having issues with.
dw_dev =
(ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = dwdev.abc.com)(PORT = 1521))
dw_sit =
(ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = dwsit.abc.com)(PORT = 1521))
found out the issue.... when researching online, said to do search for more than one tnsnames.ora I found out SIT has 2 servers, so modified the wrong tnsnames.ora