We have noticed that our reports that have drill-throughs defined as "pass parameter value" are actually passing N number of parameter values, even though it's actually restricting the target report with the desired value. It may not be obvious unless you're displaying the parameter value on the report itself in order to display it to users. We use Cognos Paul's "Bag o' Tricks" to view parameters on the report, and it will be displayed multiple times depending on the parameter instead of once.
Has anyone else noticed this issue and have a solution other than converting all reports to pass data item value?
I've attached an image showing all the parameter values displaying "45" which was my selection on the parent report that was passed through to the target report. Why is it displaying it 8 times? It happens with any drill-through where it's defined as "pass parameter value" and the number of times it displays appears to be random.
Based on the screen capture, this looks like a question about the specific product (CognosPaul's "Bag of Tricks") not Cognos 11.1.4. If I'm wrong, can you provide a simple report spec using the sample data that demonstrates the problem?
I don't think it's a problem with the "Bag o' Tricks" since you can put the parameter value into a text item to be displayed and it gets repeated several times as well.
You can create a simple report with sample database. Just use "pass parameter value" as your drill-through type.
Quote from: robblob on 04 Nov 2019 01:03:19 PM
I don't think it's a problem with the "Bag o' Tricks" since you can put the parameter value into a text item to be displayed and it gets repeated several times as well.
You can create a simple report with sample database. Just use "pass parameter value" as your drill-through type.
I suspect it is a defect in 11.1.4. I would log it with IBM if I were you.
Well obviously the incompetent author of that extension needs to be informed ASAP!
Until we can locate him though... next time it happens, open up dev toolbar and run
and paste in what you get.
You should see something like this:
If you see only one value but the bag o' tricks is returning a lot more, then it's a problem on the script side. Now if only you had another way of contacting that guy...
I attempted reaching out to the incompetent author on his blog, but the "moderator" removed my post. :-X
I've been a bit overwhelmed. I got a new client that actually gives me interesting stuff to do.
I'll see why the comments haven't gotten through on my blog. In the meantime, drop me a line next time it happens and we'll figure out what's going on.