I am creating a Dynamic cube in Cognos Cube Designer and publishing the cube directly (All the options are checked while publishing the cube). While doing so, the information about the package is not available in the .fmd (Dynamic cube project file). Is there any way I can find the package information in the .fmd file
When you publish a cube, there is an option to create a package for the cube. Packages are necessary as the reporting applications need some common container which holds the metadata which they would use. If you don't create the package, you need to import the cube into Framework Manager and create and publish the package there.
The package created in this method does not show up in the packages tree.
This is not too much loss of information as each package created in this way only contains the cube which you published. In that sense, the information about the package is already there in the FMD file.
I imagine that you could create a package and then overwrite it by a package created in FM but I've never tried it.
It might be possible to get the information you are seeking by some other way. It would be necessary, however, for you to define what you are seeking.
I actually created the package in Cube Designer by right clicking the Cube and selecting Publish. I also checked in all the boxes for the deployment. While doing that too I am not able to get the package name in the .fmd file of the dynamic cube. Can anyone provide me with a solution for this. Or is there any other ways I can figure out the package name for the corresponding cube?
Quote from: Vishnu Priya on 31 Oct 2019 11:52:56 PM
I actually created the package in Cube Designer by right clicking the Cube and selecting Publish. I also checked in all the boxes for the deployment. While doing that too I am not able to get the package name in the .fmd file of the dynamic cube. Can anyone provide me with a solution for this. Or is there any other ways I can figure out the package name for the corresponding cube?
When you publish a dynamic cube, one of the options you can check is
"Publish a package for this cube"
Just below that is an option that says
"Publish to folder: <folder name>" and to the right of that is a Browse option.
If the option is checked, the package that gets created is in the folder you have selected using the Browse option (or in the root of Team Content if the folder is set to Public Folders) and the name of the package is the name you specified for the cube you are publishing.
Hi all,
Thanks for all your timely responses. That was helpful too.
My case is, I have got a .fmd file which was created by some one else. Now, I'll have to find out the packages and datasources that were created using the .fmd file provided. When the cube is published as a datasource it does not provide any package information unless the package is created under the package tree. So, Is there any means I can get the list of packages using the particular cube data source..? It can be by using either the .fmd file or other techniques.