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IBM Cognos Analytics Platform => Cognos Analytics => Reporting => Topic started by: rhythmz on 30 Oct 2019 02:15:09 PM

Title: Extracting the 'Job Name' from 'Path' in the Audit Package
Post by: rhythmz on 30 Oct 2019 02:15:09 PM
Hi all...

I am currently building a directory of audit reports to gain better insights into user activity. One of my current challenges is building a 'Failed Jobs' report.

However, the audit package does not contain a data item of just the Job Name like you see with Report Name in [RUNREPORTS].[REPORTNAME] namespace. In the RUNJOBS namespace, we are only given the path in which the job is located (which conveniently contains the Job Name):

/content/folder[@name='Credit Approval Group']/folder[@name='Portfolio Management']/folder[@name='Debt Reports']/jobDefinition[@name='zz_CAG Post-Purchase Rpt Daily Job']

While I know how to present the path as:

Credit Approval Group / Portfolio Management / Debt Reports / zz_CAG Post-Purchase Rpt Daily Job

I would like to create a column, using the example above, for just Job Name:

zz_CAG Post-Purchase Rpt Daily Job

Since the string length for Job name & path can vary, I have hit a wall in correctly using TRIM, SUBSTR, REGEX, or even REPLACE.
Excuse my ignorance if there is a simple solution, but I am experiencing a mental block arriving at a solution....HELP?!?!?

Thanks for ANY help you can give!
Title: Re: Extracting the 'Job Name' from 'Path' in the Audit Package
Post by: dougp on 30 Oct 2019 03:52:54 PM
Using SQL Server I can do:

SUBSTRING(@a, CHARINDEX('jobDefinition[@name=', @a) + 21, CHARINDEX(']', @a, CHARINDEX('jobDefinition[@name=', @a)) - CHARINDEX('jobDefinition[@name=', @a) - 22)

If you want to restrict the function set to Cognos:

substring(substring([Audit].[Run Jobs].[Job name and path], position('jobDefinition[@name=', [Audit].[Run Jobs].[Job name and path]) + 21, 4000), 1, position(']', substring([Audit].[Run Jobs].[Job name and path], position('jobDefinition[@name=', [Audit].[Run Jobs].[Job name and path]) + 21, 4000)) - 2)

Both of these will have problems if there is a ] in your job name.
Title: Re: Extracting the 'Job Name' from 'Path' in the Audit Package
Post by: rhythmz on 31 Oct 2019 11:29:00 AM
you are DA MAN!!! Works perfectly...

Thank you so very much for this valuable fix!