I have a report that has three prompts. Two prompts are hidden until the main prompt is selected and I have this one set to auto submit. Then based on the selection it will show the correct secondary prompt. My report is auto firing to the report page without letting the user select a sub category. This only happens when the report is set to interactive mode. If I remove the render variables from my secondary prompts the report will stay on the prompt page. But I only want to show the correct prompt based on the main selection. I also need my report to be in interactive mode. Has anyone else experienced this? Will I need to handle this with javascript?
Using CA 11.0.12
So you have prompt 1, prompt 2, and prompt 3.
Prompt 1: Auto-submit = Yes
Prompt 2: Render if Prompt 1 value is A
Prompt 3: Render if Prompt 1 value is B
After selecting a value in Prompt 1, the report runs (but only in the Interactive Viewer).
Are Prompt 2 and Prompt 3 both optional?
That's exactly right. I tried to start from scratch and still experiencing the same thing.
Prompt 1 is a static prompt with two values: weekly and monthly
render variable: ParamValue('pCategory') = 'weekly'
Then I have a block with my weekly prompt inside. It's optional and the render variable is placed on the block. (same logic for my other prompt)
When prompt 1 auto submits the report runs and I'm not allowed to see my optional prompts.
dougp is implying that you set the optional prompts to required
Still doesn't show my second prompt. If I set it to required within my query then I receive the cognos generated page.
Again works fine when interactive mode is turned off
if its fine when interactive mode is off, then you are good ;D
Not implying anything. Just trying to identify the problem.
If Prompt2 and Prompt3 are both optional, the Auto-submit on Prompt1 should cause the report to run in either viewer. So it seems like there's something else going on.
What I have done is to use JavaScript to create a prompt button.
- Add a custom control using the PromptButton module (https://github.com/dougpulse/Cognos/blob/master/CognosScripts/PromptButton.js)
- Add a configuration that uses the HiddenPrompt option.
- Add a table and change the Visible property to No. (to hide the prompt)
- Add a text box prompt to the table. Name it as you specified in the module configuration.