Can I join packet olap cube with XLSX ?
Quote from: lukasz921 on 18 Oct 2019 06:35:16 AM
Can I join packet olap cube with XLSX ?
No, unfortunately you can't do this. OLAP cubes are dimensional structures, accessed via MDX queries. Joins are relational concepts, and are enacted using SQL not MDX. You can't join a cube to anything for this reason.
What you can do, though, is to bring the data you need from your cube into a data set, and join your uploaded XLSX to this data set. The data set creation can be scheduled, too.
ok i know how create dataset. but how create dataset from olap ? same ? report must be list? crosstab ?
Quote from: lukasz921 on 21 Oct 2019 12:10:00 AM
ok i know how create dataset. but how create dataset from olap ? same ? report must be list? crosstab ?
The UI for creating a data set involves you building a list, yes.
when I build dataset , after refresh dataset measure in all row is "NULL"
Quote from: lukasz921 on 22 Oct 2019 06:33:30 AM
when I build dataset , after refresh dataset measure in all row is "NULL"
Hmmm. That sounds like a defect to me. What version of Cognos Analytics are you using?
help upgrade to new version or function coalesce in old version