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IBM Cognos Analytics Platform => Upgrading to Cognos Analytics => Topic started by: mravifrmmdu on 15 Oct 2019 06:59:03 AM

Title: compatibility of the cognos configuration 10.2.1 version with Windows 2016 OS
Post by: mravifrmmdu on 15 Oct 2019 06:59:03 AM
We are planning for migration/upgrade of Windows OS from 2008 R2 to 2016,
And also plan to migrate SQL Server 2008 R2 to SQL Server 2016.

And we are using Cognos Configuration with 10.2.1 version.

1) Is Cognos Configuration 10.2.1 version support windows OS 2016 ?
2) Is Cognos Configuration 10.2.1 version support SQL Server 2016 ?
3) Where can i find the detail License information of my Cognos Configuration 10.2.1 version ?
4) Can we use the same license for Cognos Configuration 10.2.1 in New server & OS(2016)?
5) What are steps needs to follow for both OS and SQL server Migration/Upgrade ?

I'm new to IBM Cognos, Kindly provide detail information for this query.

Thanks in Advance.
Title: Re: compatibility of the cognos configuration 10.2.1 version with Windows 2016 OS
Post by: MFGF on 15 Oct 2019 07:38:54 AM
Quote from: mravifrmmdu on 15 Oct 2019 06:59:03 AM
We are planning for migration/upgrade of Windows OS from 2008 R2 to 2016,
And also plan to migrate SQL Server 2008 R2 to SQL Server 2016.

And we are using Cognos Configuration with 10.2.1 version.

1) Is Cognos Configuration 10.2.1 version support windows OS 2016 ?
2) Is Cognos Configuration 10.2.1 version support SQL Server 2016 ?
3) Where can i find the detail License information of my Cognos Configuration 10.2.1 version ?
4) Can we use the same license for Cognos Configuration 10.2.1 in New server & OS(2016)?
5) What are steps needs to follow for both OS and SQL server Migration/Upgrade ?

I'm new to IBM Cognos, Kindly provide detail information for this query.

Thanks in Advance.


You can find all the supported OS and data source details on the Supported Environments page:

But to answer your questions:
1. No. It is too old - it only supports OS versions up to Windows Server 2012
2. No. It is too old - it only supports versions of SQL Server up to 2012
3. I can't help with where you can find your license information, sorry. Your organization must have a record of it somewhere. Or you could contact your IBM account manager to ask them what licenses they have on file for your organization?
4. Your Cognos licenses are not dependent on the OS or data source versions you use, but the product is - 10.2.1 dropped out of support a long time ago and the versions of OS and data source it works with reflect this.
5. This is more of an IT question than a Cognos question, so you may or may not get useful answers here. It looks like your plans to upgrade are not going to work, though, since the version of Cognos you are using is to old to use the OS and SQL Server versions you want to upgrade to. Why are you still using such an old version of Cognos? I would consider upgrading your Cognos version if possible.
