Hi ,
I have my time dimension where there is a hierarchy Called Rolling YTD grouped .
Where the Rolling current year and Rolling prior year has 12 months in each and the values are like 2018/Oct ...2019/Sep
In my line chart I wanted to show the x axis as Oct ,Nov etc..
And there should be two lines one showing sales foe Rolling current year months and Rolling prior year months.
Now I have added a data item as Children(Rolling current year ) in Categories and I change the report expression as
substring(Children(Rolling Current Year,6,3)
This now gives my x axis as sep ,oct etc..
now I have 2 data items on the series ,
One is rolling current year Value - Tuple(Product,Sales)
but for rolling prior year , I dont know how to write an expression that will take the rolling prior year months value eventhough the x asis has months of rolling current year .
try lag or parallelperiod
Parallelperiod expects a level , i just have a hierarchy were there are four members , Rolling current year, Rolling Prior year , Rolling change and Growth.
Now in x axis we already have rolling current year months , so i think we cannot use parallel period here right?
May be i can use lag and how many months i go back on this hierarchy .
Rolling current year Rolling Prior Year
Oct 2018 Oct 2017
Nov 2018 Nov 2017
Sep 2019 Sep 2018
if you have the member you can find its level using.... level!!!!
if its too complicated use lag.