Hi there,
Very new to Cognos, and have now created all of my monthly reporting in Cognos and ready to create the job to run them all. The issue that I came across was there was the inability to burst a report into folders in Cognos (which is the desired result). I have 60 departments and need to run the same 2 reports for all of them. Obviously bursting would be the easiest way and the way that my current software handles it but in lieu of that, i have come up with a workaround where I will add the same report to a job 60 times, each time setting the parameter to a different dept and sending the output to the applicable dept folder. The good part is that if I change the report, I only have to change it once so I think it will work however, I wondered if there was a maximum number of steps permitted in a job? Or a recommended max? Before I create all of them lol!
Hi Brenda,
I've got jobs with more steps in than that, so it should work ok for you. No idea about recommendations though...someone else might be able to help you out there. If needs be, you could break it down into a few jobs, then put those inside a master job (if that makes sense).
Thanks Chris! I'll give it a try!