I have included newly added Database table fields in FM in Database layer and Presentation layer. When I include them in report pate I am getting below error.
RQP-DEF-0177 An error occurred while performing operation 'sqlPrepareWithOptions' status='-69'.
UDA-SQL-0043 The underlying database detected an error during processing the SQL request.
[Teradata][ODBC Teradata Driver][Teradata Database] Column/Parameter 'Schema.table.object' does not exist.
RSV-SRV-0042 Trace back:
I have tried republishing Package though no success. the field exist in DB and even in FM also parsing returning data. Any inputs please?
Thanks in advance!
You can try a few things to where the issue is.
1) test the query item in fm.
2) IF you have access try accessing the column in database directly from report without the package.
3) give it a new name in fm and try republish. ensure that your data source is pointing to the correct environment.
This must be something simple.
Thank you for the response
1) yes it is parsing fine and I could see test data without any issue
2)No access
3)Tried this,still issue persists
Not sure where I am doing wrong
try using sql as source and query the field directly
strangely newly added fields not reflecting/visible in FM. tried creating new package though newly added fields not visible when execute in DB the fields are available.tried updating the object in FM though getting same error.not sure what exactly causing this
Please help
I thought you said its working fine in FM but now you are saying its not visible in FM ? which is it ? first you have to update the query subject in the data layer once you have the newly added query item (column) then add it to the presentation layer then publish.
Yes,I tried to create new package with the table and when including newly added columns are not available .DB has these columns and SQL executing fine.I have tried creating user defined SQL , when I add new field it is throwing error.Not sure where is the exact issue?
Your help would be greatly appreciated!
if you are not able to see the column in the database through the import wizard then the account that is set up in the data source does not have access to the column possibly ? check to make sure you are pointing the right environment. may be you are pointing to test environment and the column is only available in the development environment ?
i think you almost got it. good luck ;D
I have checked and the FID that I am using have proper rights.I am also sure ,am checking in correct env, fields added 1 week ago are visible only fields added 4 days back are not visible , tried all the possible options.Please help me
have you tried using sql query as source and query the field directly?
assume I have 'XYZ' DS on Cognos portal Do I need to have 'XYZ' DSN to be created on my local in order to create model? my source is Teradata..
Yes SQL query also says the column doesn't exist..lookalike this DS issue
there you go.