Reaching out to see if someone has done this in there report before.
I have a crosstab report based on DMR model. I want to display a tree prompt which would give the user the option to choose a from date to To Date. I want to use this parameter values in my query to filter the data based on that.
relational I would write FiscalYear.Date between ?StartDate? and ?EndDate?.
How can I write this in Dimensional reporting ?
Second part of my question. I have a dimension called Dataset. It has SOC_ Nov as a member.
what I would like to achieve is that in a user in the prompt if a user select SOC_NOV member I would like the report to show the Data for GS_NOV as well in addition to the SOC_NOV.
Any help is appreciated.
Thanks in Advance!
I am using a Tree prompt and I could not get it to work using the solution given in the link last week. finally just made the date selection a multi select by putting in a set and asked the user to select year / month / date hierarchy wise.