Hi Friends!
I would like to count MMR service, but I have trouble to put all requirement in one. I'm appreciate any help.
MMR - Any of the following meet criteria:
• At least one MMR vaccination (Measles, Mumps and Rubella (MMR) Vaccine Administered Value Set) on or between the child's first and second birthdays
• At least one measles and rubella vaccination (Measles/Rubella Vaccine Administered Value Set) and at least one mumps vaccination or history of the illness (Mumps Vaccine Administered Value Set; Mumps Value Set) on the same date of service or on different dates of service. Only count vaccinations that are administered on or between the child's first and second birthdays (e.g., "Vaccine Administered" value sets). History of illness (Mumps Value Set) can occur on or before the child's second birthday.
• At least one measles vaccination or history of the illness (Measles Vaccine Administered Value Set; Measles Value Set) and at least one mumps vaccination or history of the illness (Mumps Vaccine Administered Value Set; Mumps Value Set) and at least one rubella vaccination or history of the illness (Rubella Vaccine Administered Value Set; Rubella Value Set) on the same date of service or on different dates of service. Only count vaccinations that are administered on or between the child's first and second birthdays (e.g., "Vaccine Administered" value sets). History of illness (Measles Value Set, Mumps Value Set, Rubella Value Set) can occur on or before the child's second birthday.
Measles, Mumps and Rubella (MMR) Vaccine Administered Value Set: set 1158
(Measles/Rubella Vaccine Administered Value Set : 1172
(Mumps Vaccine Administered Value Set;: 1321
Mumps Value Set: History of illness : set 1181
Measles Vaccine Administered Value Set: 1320
Measles Value Set: history of illness set: 1171
Rubella Value Set: 1232
I tried
1. the first part of statement:
"At least one MMR vaccination (Measles, Mumps and Rubella (MMR) Vaccine Administered Value Set) on or between the child's first and second birthdays"
If ([service date] between [BD1] and [BD2]) then (if([Set]='1158') then (count (distinct (if( [Set] = '1158') then ('1') else null) for ([Unique ID])) else null) else null
2. At least one measles and rubella vaccination (Measles/Rubella Vaccine Administered Value Set) and at least one mumps vaccination or history of the illness (Mumps Vaccine Administered Value Set; Mumps Value Set) on the same date of service or on different dates of service.
2.1: "At least one measles and rubella vaccination (Measles/Rubella Vaccine Administered Value Set)
If ([service date] between [BD1] and [BD2]) then (if([Set]='1172') then (count (distinct (if( [Set] = '1172') then ('1') else null) for ([Unique ID])) else null) else null
2.2 at least one mumps vaccination or history of the illness (Mumps Vaccine Administered Value Set; Mumps Value Set) on the same date of service or on different dates of service."
If ([service date] between [BD1] and [BD2]) then (if([Set]='1321') then (count (distinct (if( [Set] = '1321') then ('1') else null) for ([Unique ID])) else null) else
if([Set]='1181') then (count (distinct (if( [Set] = '1181') then ('1') else null) for ([Unique ID])) else null))
It works for the apart; but I dont know how to put 2.1 AND 2.2 TOGETHER
and ALL 3 BIG requirement together for one count.
Thank you.