Good afternoon.
I was researching something and couldn't find a lot of information online so I thought I'd pose the question here. I have a Template report filled with reusable items such as headers and report links. My hope was to use the "new" Javascript method which involves using a Custom Control to reference the JS file. I am using the HideshowFilterPanel.js (IBM sample, I do believe) which essentially will just do a hide/show on a particular object such as a block.
Whenever I go to my interactive report, add the layout component reference to the section from the Template which has the hide/show javascript, and run the report, I receive an error that begins with "cannot read property getDisplay of null at control.updatebutton" and goes on from there. I am thinking it might be some kind of issue with a report possibly not being able to use the Javascript that is located on the Template.
After that, I decided to do an Override on the Layout Component Reference and add the Custom Control locally to the report. The "Control Name" is still referring to the name of my block on the Template. After running that, I get the same error.
Have any of you had success with this or do I just need to seek an alternate route?