In my report, there are 4 filter can be selected which is
Promotion Date (by YearMonth)
Promotion Category
Promotion Type (product and non product)
Promotion Name
The following is the situation, I can generate the result of chart and table separately with less amount of time.
The chart is group by product and non product
If I would like to combine both chart and table to generate a whole report, the waiting time is very long which I cannot even successfully generate the report after 2-3 hours.
Is there any solution and suggestion given to me to solve the problem?
Is this relational or OLAP data source ? If you are using OLAP what kind of filter are you using Detail, Slicer or prompt macro?
Quote from: oscarca on 27 Aug 2019 04:04:24 AM
Is this relational or OLAP data source ? If you are using OLAP what kind of filter are you using Detail, Slicer or prompt macro?
Using Detail filter.
My recommondation would to use either #prompt macro or the slicer when using OLAP. I have had performance issues myself when trying Detail filter when using olap.
#promptmany('myProduct', 'memberuniquename', '[Sales].[D_Item].[Product Type].[Product Type]')#
set([Sales].[D_Item].[Product Type] ->?pFunction?)
Quote from: jessechan on 30 Aug 2019 12:38:06 AM
Using Detail filter.
It's important to understand what type of package you are using - relational or dimensional. FAQ #5 in the post below shows you how you can tell if you're unsure:,27563.0.html
If you are using a relational package, detail filters are fine, but not if you are using a dimensional package.