Quote from: CognosBIUser1 on 26 Aug 2019 08:25:59 AM
I was wondering if anyone had any experience with the following requirement and help me out on a solution.
I have a parent report which is based on relational data and a drill through report that is based on dimensional data (DMR).
I would like to filter the Dimensional data report based on the value that I am passing from the relational data report. (data item value)
The value I am passing from the data item is not satisfying the dimensional report as it re prompts me to enter value when i drill through.
By the way i am using the dataset and datamodule combination for the relatioanl report.
The Targer report (dimensional report) has an espression for the filter as follows.
[Presentation Layer ] . [By Parent Dataset].[Dataset] -> ?Dataset?
1). Can this be done without modifying the target report ? how so ?
2) if target report needs to be modified how to do it ?
The important thing to realise when using a dimensional package is that the "values" your report displays are actually members, and what you see rendered in your report are the captions of these members. Each member is identified by a Member Unique Name (MUN). When you create a dimensional expression such as [Presentation Layer ].[By Parent Dataset].[Dataset] -> ?Dataset? the expression is expecting the ?Dataset? parameter to be a MUN.
In this case, your source report is relational, and is passing a value to the parameter - ie the parameter does not contain a MUN.
To resolve this, you could adopt one of two approaches:
- If you are passing a value that is the identifier within your MUN, you could engineer the MUN in the target report, typically using a macro expression containing a prompt function
- If you are passing a value that is the caption, you could change the target report to use a filter() function based on that caption value