I have a requirement of run the reports automatically every first working day of the month and distribute to list of mails id's based on business group and segment prompts.
Business Groups : BG1, BG2, BG3 etc....
Segment : SG1, SG2, SG3 etc....
Subsegments : SUB1, SUB2, SUB3 etc.....
I have these 3 prompts.
Report1 prompt selection - BG1, SG1, SG2
Report2 prompt selection - BG2, SG2, SG1,
I have 50 combinations like this...I have created one main report and creating 50 report views for these combinations.
Now problem is that, when I set default prompt values for each report view some combinations are not available in current load to set them ad default values. But they may be avaialable in monthly load. How can I make those values as defaults even though they are not showing in prompt page. (they may show in future)
and the selected values for Business Group and Segments should display in main page.
Can anyone suggest how to achieve this..