Not sure if this belongs in Reporting or Administration...
Using Cognos, but I have seen this problem reported as far back as 8.3.
I am getting this error message intermittently when I create a list that returns no results. It happens both in page preview and when I run the report.
I have seen other posts about this and I am aware that the preferred solution is to update the *No data contents* property on an as-needed basis. But I'm a Cognos administrator and I don't think this is an acceptable solution to push onto my users.
I see that when this happens, the Specified text is set to a string containing many (30?) spaces. Or, perhaps, it's not spaces, it's a different white space character.
Where is the default value for *Specified text* set? In the model? In a configuration file?
As this is intermittent, is it related to some part of the system timing out before the entire session times out?
I have asked IBM Support, but as this is intermittent and I can't deliberately reproduce the problem, I'm not expecting much.