Hi I am asking the below in the hope someone has worked on this requirement before.
I am building a report (Using Cognos Reports V11.0.12) where I have a list report that has project IDs and I have a chart that contains two measures corresponding to the project ids. what the user likes to achieve is that if they click on a row value (project id) on the list report the chart should show only for that project id.(needs to filter chart for the project id) By the way this is not an active report this is just on regular report.
List Report.
Project ID Measure 1 Measure 2
1230 10 20
1240 15 5
If Project ID 1230 is selected(by clicking on the project id) then the chart should reflect only measure 1 10 and measure 2 20.
Thanks in advance.
Quote from: CognosBIUser1 on 19 Aug 2019 08:42:25 AM
Hi I am asking the below in the hope someone has worked on this requirement before.
I am building a report (Using Cognos Reports V11.0.12) where I have a list report that has project IDs and I have a chart that contains two measures corresponding to the project ids. what the user likes to achieve is that if they click on a row value (project id) on the list report the chart should show only for that project id.(needs to filter chart for the project id) By the way this is not an active report this is just on regular report.
List Report.
Project ID Measure 1 Measure 2
1230 10 20
1240 15 5
If Project ID 1230 is selected(by clicking on the project id) then the chart should reflect only measure 1 10 and measure 2 20.
Thanks in advance.
If you are not creating this as an Active report, you might look at drill-through capabilities for this. You can have a report drill-through to itself if you're clever about how you author it. I'd be looking at the feasibility of this for your current requirement.
Thanks MF. I was thinking along the same line and after few tries didn't think it was possible. I will revisit.
Quote from: CognosBIUser1 on 19 Aug 2019 11:07:09 AM
Thanks MF. I was thinking along the same line and after few tries didn't think it was possible. I will revisit.
It has been a long time since I wrote a report like this, but one tip I can give you is that you need to remember to save the changes you make your report before you test it - otherwise you end up drilling to the version that was saved before you made the changes. I have a little less hair as a result of this - until the obvious truth dawned on me as to why it wasn't working :)
MF .. the best advice you could have given me here. I even did the same few times and I membered your advice . I got the solution working with the drill through report. Thanks a lot.