Hi ,
I would like to show already ran report out in a report depending on what the user selects on prompt page.
Is there a way to do this? the dashboard takes a long time to run so I just want to link out of reports in one report.
For example if the user selects option 1 show report 1 output , if the user selects option 2 in the drop down menu show report oupt 2 so on.
Thanks in advance.!
Your post contradicts itself in several places.
Is this a report or a dashboard?
Do you want report output embedded in a report (current data alongside saved data) or do you want a prompt page that leads to [something]?
Its created using Reports. (customer calls it a dashboard)
I want to do both. first embedded within the report and also give option in drop down to choose different out put of a report. As I mentioned before performance is an issue so I do not want the user to choose a value and wait for them to run the report and provide the output. I just want to show them a report output that has already been produced (snap shot).
I'm having trouble understanding your logic. You say you want them to run the report that can take a long time, but you don't want them to wait a long time. What am I missing?
Maybe you want them to always see the saved output, and to choose which day's output to see. In that case, teach them to use More | View Versions from the portal.
Since this is Cognos Analytics, the default behavior for a report is to show the most recent saved output. So your problem may be solved once you have saved it.
ok so the requirement is to build a dashboard(using reports) that is already ran and showing the output.
this dashboard has multiple views. depending on user selection.
view A
view B ect.
each view if build as a report takes a long time to run. so i want to show the view within a report depending on what the view they choose. ( the idea is to give this iption in a drop down list) show them the output that has already been saved. hopefully this clears up any dobuts.
showing the users how to access the output version is not my intention as this is suppose to be a dasbhoard looking report. (not individual report outputs)
I don't see a way to parameterize the URL to tell it which version of a report to display, much less to list the versions so you can give the user a choice.
You'll probably need to use the SDK to accomplish this. I doubt you'll end up putting the reports into a Cognos report. Probably a web page hosted by a different server.
You may want to try pre-aggregating your data in an OLAP cube or by refreshing a limited data set on a schedule. If you can improve report performance, maybe you don't need to present these static outputs.
Thanks for confirming .
I had a feeling its not simple.
what I am thinking of doing is giving hyper link to the output so they can just open in a new window.
I agree the right solution would be to improve the performace of the report using a cube ratheran the dmr model we are using. But yeah thats not an option at this time.
as its a couple of weeks project.
By the way I improved the performance using dataset.