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IBM Cognos 10 Platform => Cognos 10 BI => Cognos Administration => Topic started by: shaselai on 26 Jul 2019 08:09:27 AM

Title: Issue finding LDAP users in Cognos BI
Post by: shaselai on 26 Jul 2019 08:09:27 AM
I have setup Apache LDAP called "TestLDAP".
I am able to connect via cognos bi on the weblink using the namespace ou=system, uid=admin from the cognos configuration.
When i go to the Admin->security->cognos->group to add users from "TestLDAP", i dont see any users even when the show usersbox is selected.
The UID in cognos is "uid=${userID}"  .

Any recommendations?thanks!
Title: Re: Issue finding LDAP users in Cognos BI
Post by: shaselai on 29 Jul 2019 07:52:06 AM
 in LDAP server i have JoeS, Admin, TomP.   Admin i have CN as "system administrator" while others are "users". I am able to see Admin as a member now but not the others. HOWEVER, once i changed JoeS's CN to "system administrator" i can see him!  Naturally i cant make everyone "system administrator", i feel somehow the CN needs to be visible? Any suggestions?

Also, i noticed that the list of users are not automatically shown.