I would like hide column if the value is 0,I am trying to to achieve this by creating render variables though not working ..any inputs please
Quote from: cielo on 25 Jul 2019 11:39:03 AM
I would like hide column if the value is 0,I am trying to to achieve this by creating render variables though not working ..any inputs please
Can you provide a few more details? "If the value is 0" - are you referring to the entire column or where any value in the column is 0 or something else? "Though not working" - what does this mean? Are you getting an error? An unexpected result? Can you provide details?
Thanks for your response. I have created a data item (total(data item) for report) and then created a Boolean variable and render the column based on this. Do I have any other approach to achieve this? Yes when the complete column is 0..Please help