I am running a multi page report in CA 11.0 and sending the output to Excel.
When I open the report in Excel, I am getting lots of little green triangles on the cells, which Excel says are due to numbers stored as text.
This seems to be happening only for my cells that are zeros. My users don't like these formula errors appearing, does anyone know how to stop this happening?
Just out of curiosity, is there a formula involved? Is the data coming directly from your data source?
Quote from: Kipper13 on 24 Jul 2019 04:30:51 AM
I am running a multi page report in CA 11.0 and sending the output to Excel.
When I open the report in Excel, I am getting lots of little green triangles on the cells, which Excel says are due to numbers stored as text.
This seems to be happening only for my cells that are zeros. My users don't like these formula errors appearing, does anyone know how to stop this happening?
Hi J,
Interested to know if these are really 0 values in the data source (as Chris was wondering) or if they are being generated in the report, perhaps by a data format which replaces nulls with zeros (Missing Value Character)?
Thanks for looking at my question, the data source is Planning Analytics (TM1). No formatting has been applied to force nulls/missing values to be displayed as 0, however as it is PA, I guess the values being returned are nulls, so maybe default behaviour to display them as zero rather than missing.
Quote from: Kipper13 on 25 Jul 2019 07:51:00 AM
Thanks for looking at my question, the data source is Planning Analytics (TM1). No formatting has been applied to force nulls/missing values to be displayed as 0, however as it is PA, I guess the values being returned are nulls, so maybe default behaviour to display them as zero rather than missing.
Hi J,
I'd be surprised if there was an automatic "replace nulls with zeros" format, even when using a PA cube as a data source (but you know how often I've been wrong in the past! :) )
If you click on a row or column edge in the crosstab and choose either "select member fact cells" or "select fact cells" from the ellipsis, what does the data format property for each look like?
If you author a new crosstab from scratch using the blank template, do you still see the same behaviour? If so, can you explicitly define a data format that doesn't replace nulls with zeros?