Good Morning!
This weekend we were on task to upgrade our Prod environment to 11.1.2 from 11.0.3 after running 11.1.1 and 11.1.2 in our Test environment for several months. Our Test upgrade went fairly smooth - no major issues that couldn't be resolved with a couple of configuration changes to the Content Store.
However, our Prod upgrade didn't go as smoothly. While the app updated well, we seemed to experience an issue with our gateway install. It did install - at least to the point where we had no issues starting services on the app Configuration. We connected to Content Store, and the log posted no errors. But when attempting to log in to the User facing Prod app, we were greeted by a directory listing as opposed to the login page. A subsequent check of all of our IIS configurations showed that we matched what we had in our Test environment. Our permissions and application pools appeared to be set correctly as well. But still, nothing other than the directory listing would show. After several hours of research and attempts to remedy the issue, including several reinstall's, we had to roll back to 11.0.3 and live to tell the tale another day.
Has anyone experience an issue like this, or can anyone point to some causes of this? We googled and stack overflowed as much as we could, so there is a chance that we tried what you might be suggesting, but spit it out anyways - maybe we missed something! Thanks in advance for any help!