I have a problem I would like to run by y'all.
1) I create a Framework Manager project called "Channel Logos" and import one table called "Logos".
2) The table "Logos" has 5 attributes:
-ID (unique ID)
-Logo Name
-Logo Description
-File name (e.g. "HBO.jpg")
-Graphic (where "HBO.jpg" is stored as Blob datatype).
NB: Framework manager successfully detected the datatypes of all 5 attributes.
3) The "Data Type" property for GRAPHIC attribute is set to `BLOB`.
4) I set the "Display Type" property for GRAPHIC attribute to `Picture`.
5) I set the "Mime Type" property for GRAPHIC attribute to `jpg`.
I create a package called "LOGOS" and export it my server.
6) I launch Report Studio, select the package called "LOGOS" and create a basic list report by dragging/dropping the 5 columns from the "Logos" table onto my work area.
NB: the GRAPHIC column is rendered with the graphic icon.
7) I run the report: all columns are shown, expect GRAPHIC that is displayed with a RED cross (e.g. a picture that cannot be displayed on a web site).
NB: I tried changing the "Display Type" property to `value` and `link` but to no avail. Changing the "Mime Type" to "jpeg" was unsuccessful too.
Am I missing something or is not simply not feasible?
Thanks for any help you can provide.
I am attempting the same thing and experiencing the same issue. Were you able to resolve this? The only difference is that in the MIM Type for Framework manager is that I declared it as "image/jpeg". This was done per the IIS specs for Mime Types.
Additionally I am dealing with another image type in another column called ".png" similar to a jpeg, except that IIS does not know about that type so it must be declared in the HTTP attributes tab under MIME types to be displayed.
Someone must have gotten this to work somewhere
Nope, I never got a reply from anyone on the forum...
I attended the Report Authoring class (1 & 2) this past January and asked my instructor.
He told me that yes, it is doable. I reproduced the "problem" on my work laptop and showed him that no, it does not work....
This seems like such no-brainer though....