I have FM installed on two servers, one for test and one for prod. The test has FM 10.2.2 installed since that one used to be prod and the prod has FM 11.1 installed. When I run Meta data wizard on the model in 10.2.2 there are no issues but when I run it on 11.1 I get this error:
QE-DEF-0314 An error occurred while calling the content store for the database
and in the log files it says this:
The error "cmAuthenticateFailed CM-CAM-4005 Unable to authenticate. Check your security directory server connection and confirm the credentials entered at login." can be found in the response SOAP header.</messageString></message></messages>
I have the same permissions both in FM 10.2.2 and 11.1 but for some reason it doesnt work in 11.1..
Anyone know what the problem might be ? or where to look. Is it SQL server permissions related or is it Cognos ?
Best regards,
You have not mentioned the server version.
Seems you are using server 10.2.2 and FM 11 version, and hence it is throwing error?
Is FM 11 version successfully installed and configured with cognos server, Are you able to login in properly, while opening FM 11 version?
Just try installing old version of FM and check whther you are experiencing same issue?
Hey Saumil, thanks for the reply !
I am using 11.1 server with FM 11.1 and 10.2.2 with FM 10.2.2.
It is wierd because it is only when I try to run meta data wizard on a ssas FM model project this happens. But if I run the same project in 10.2.2 it works great..
Full error in the logfile:
SecureErrorId: 2019-05-28-10:34:18.339-#2193 Original Error: CM-REQ-4222 You do not have the permissions to access this data source. <SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"><SOAP-ENV:Header><bus:biBusHeader xmlns:bus="http://developer.cognos.com/schemas/bibus/3/" xmlns:SOAP-ENC="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:cm="http://developer.cognos.com/schemas/bibus/3/" xsi:type="bus:biBusHeader"> <bus:CAM xsi:type="bus:CAM"> <settings xsi:type="bus:CAMSettings"> <anonymousAllowed xsi:type="xsd:boolean">false</anonymousAllowed> <namespacesConfigured xsi:type="xsd:boolean">true</namespacesConfigured> </settings> <CAMPassport xsi:type="bus:CAMPassport"> <id xsi:type="xsd:string" xmlns:xml="http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace" xml:space="preserve">101:8a1dc093-84f5-aa8e-4a0b-ccf5ab99b894:3798927920</id> <shareable xsi:type="xsd:boolean" xmlns:xml="http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace" xml:space="preserve">false</shareable></CAMPassport> <exception xsi:type="bus:CAMException"><severity xsi:type="bus:severityEnum">error</severity><errorCode>-38</errorCode><errorCodeString xsi:type="xsd:string" xml:space="preserve">camAuthUnrecoverable</errorCodeString><messages xsi:type="SOAP-ENC:Array" SOAP-ENC:arrayType="bus:message[1]"><item xsi:type="bus:message"><messageString xsi:type="xsd:string" xml:space="preserve">CAM-AAA-0085 The visa does not contain the user password.</messageString></item></messages><promptInfo xsi:type="bus:promptInfo"><captions xsi:type="SOAP-ENC:Array" SOAP-ENC:arrayType="xsd:string[1]"><item xsi:type="xsd:string" xml:space="preserve">CAM is unable to create credentials. Please contact your administrator.</
I feel like it could be this : https://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg1PM08697
But it sucks if you can't have two Connections to the same data source...
Both 10.2.2 (test) and 11.1(PROD) goes towards the same database server
Do you Think I need to create a new data source Connection inside Cognos administration ?
Before when using 10.2.2, I was always prompted to login in when running framework manager. But now it doesnt ask me to login, so I am wondering if that might have something to do with it.
Quote from: oscarca on 31 May 2019 07:22:36 AM
Before when using 10.2.2, I was always prompted to login in when running framework manager. But now it doesnt ask me to login, so I am wondering if that might have something to do with it.
It sounds to me like the URIs in your FM 11.1 config might not be correct? Can you check the two URIs and make sure they are set the same as in the config for the 11.1 server instance?
Hey MF,
The gateway URI for Cognos Analytics looks like this:
FM configurations for gateway URI looks the same:
When running 10.2.2 I was using the ISAPI module, but I don't Think that should matter in this case.
I tried to regenerate the cryptokeys but that didnt solve it..
Best regards,
Quote from: oscarca on 01 Jun 2019 12:04:20 PM
Hey MF,
The gateway URI for Cognos Analytics looks like this:
FM configurations for gateway URI looks the same:
When running 10.2.2 I was using the ISAPI module, but I don't Think that should matter in this case.
I tried to regenerate the cryptokeys but that didnt solve it..
Best regards,
What is your dispatcher URI set to? Is it in the form <server>:<port>/p2pd/servlet/dispatch
Config for Cognos Analytics 11.1
Dispatcher URI for gateway:
External dispatcher URI:
Config for Framework manager 11.1
Gateway URI:
Dispatcher URI for external applications:
This one looks a Little weird though....
Cognos Analytics configuration
Other URI settings:
I am guessing this setting should be: http://servername:9300/bi/p2pd/servlet