I will have four values in my prompt like revenue,qty, topgrowth and bottomgrowth.
In my row I have an expression which filters top20 products by quantity or revenue or by growth..
will i able to check the prompt value then write 4 expressions .
How to check this if statement if my static prompt name is promptcustomMeasure.
Any help is appreciated.
If the measure is part of my cube member I can use below expression
#'[LATAM Sales].[Measures].[' + prompt('prmMeasure','token','Full Revenue - Local Currency') + ']'#
but in my case 2 members are just growth calculation which is like a custome measure, I just need to create a growth element . so how to get the if for 4 conditions.
is it something like if(#promptvalu" =customemeasure1)
then (1)
else etc...