Hi All,
I have a dataset (just one file with one input field) uploaded to the Cognos Server.
Build DataModule on top of this to I can substring the one field in 2 different field [Date] and [Number].
When I build a Dashboard using this datamodule, using a simple barchart with the date on the X-as and the Number on the Y-as and run it, I get a Chart.
When I do exactly the same within a Report, I get a -no data available- ..... why not.
When creating a list what uses the same query what I used for the chart, the list shows me the records, the chart still shows me the -no data available.
Could someone explaine this behaviour to me.
Haven't worked a lot with uploaded data, so it's me I think..... :o
I solved my issue....
Apparently the Dashboard Module has some 'internal' intelligence in helping the end-user what he or she wants / needs.
Putting the measures / char() values on what it should be, gave me some bars within the bar chart like expected.
In my case, I needed to set the Data-Object on summerize..... (as simple as that ..... shame on me)
I still think it's a little 'strange' when doing the same within Report-Module or Dashboard-Module the outcome is not the same, but .....
It was a little lazy of me paying no attention about the properties of objects.
Bottem line: I learned something and when tools are helping you doesn't mean that you can stop thinking what you're doing..... ;)
Kind Regards,