Good day.
how to i interpret HTML codes in Cognos Report.
In our database... the text is save something like <p>Text 1
</p> something like that.
as i run the report...that is was is viewed.
our department needs the formatting of the HTML Tags.
does cognos have this feature? using Cognos 11.0.11
I think this MAY be possible, and here is what I would try:
1. Create a simple list report with a small number of columns.
2. Add a blank column to the list.
3. Unlock the report (click ellipsis on top right -> unlocked).
4. Add an HTML item to the blank column (Toolbox -> advanced -> HTML item).
5. Go to the properties of the HTML item and change the source type to data item value.
6. For the data item value, select the item that has your HTML from the database.
7. Run it and cross fingers.