HI All,
I have a requirement where I want to create a landing page for my report consumers, which will show all Cognos reports that are available in CA11 for my project. Ideally.
what I'm envisioning is a user logs into our site and navigates to the Cognos report section. Once there, they should be able to view a single page which will display all CA 11 reports to run. If possible, I want the reports to open in same tab, so they can go back to the main page to all the reports or explore the site, once done viewing the reports.
if you guys have a template or any suggestions to go about doing this, would greatly help out.
What you can do is in the Cognos content store, you can get the list of reports present in your Cognos environment from CMOBJNAMES table.
Using this table you can prepare a report and set that report to run every time the user logs in to the Cognos portal.
We have implemented similar kind of scenario but we are not pulling the list of reports dynamically, we have created a landing page where we have added the report links manually and added drill through on that.
Hope you have got an idea on how to proceed on the same.
Contact www.assimil8.com
They supply us with a product called Theia. It presents C11 inside custom game boards. You can crate a folder tree for all reports based on a users AD security groups so they only see reports you give them permission to see.