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IBM Cognos Analytics Platform => Cognos Analytics => Reporting => Topic started by: zgeorge on 29 Apr 2019 07:19:08 AM

Title: List Rank function
Post by: zgeorge on 29 Apr 2019 07:19:08 AM
Cognos masters,

I have a list report that I need to display the top ranked 'Marketing Name' for each product. What I've come across is that when i create a detail filter ([Rank] = 1), it isn't summing all values in my list report. For example, if I have a product with multiple marketing names, it filters the list to only show the top selling product.

What I need is do the same thing but still sum all values for each product.

I've attached images to help explain my need.

This is my Rank function for reference:
rank([YTD Sales] for [Product Type Abbreviation] , [Product Line Name] , [Report Structure])

**You'll see in the top image that the 4.0 is the top ranked value compared the the bottom image. The top image is filtered by Rank = 1.

What I need is the still retrieve the Top Product (CL-Passport in this example) BUT still aggregate all SPDA/FPDA sales that should be showing 4.8 in one line.