I am curious if anyone has experience with using Javascript (or possibly something else) to provide a user the ability to change an interactive report (not a dashboard, exploration, etc.) to a different theme? In my department, we've had discussions around users who may have visibility issues who prefer to see charts/graphs or backgrounds in a different way. This is kind of in line with the "high contrast" mode that Windows makes available on their operating systems.
My thought is if it were possibly to write a piece of custom control Javascript that presented a button to the user that when clicked would change a report with a black background and white fonts to a white background with black fonts. It might even be possible to have it change the visualization palette that is used. I honestly don't know enough about Javascript to even know if such a thing is possible so I thought I'd pose it to those who know a lot more than I do.
Quote from: ThatKingslayer on 25 Apr 2019 09:18:28 AM
I am curious if anyone has experience with using Javascript (or possibly something else) to provide a user the ability to change an interactive report (not a dashboard, exploration, etc.) to a different theme? In my department, we've had discussions around users who may have visibility issues who prefer to see charts/graphs or backgrounds in a different way. This is kind of in line with the "high contrast" mode that Windows makes available on their operating systems.
My thought is if it were possibly to write a piece of custom control Javascript that presented a button to the user that when clicked would change a report with a black background and white fonts to a white background with black fonts. It might even be possible to have it change the visualization palette that is used. I honestly don't know enough about Javascript to even know if such a thing is possible so I thought I'd pose it to those who know a lot more than I do.
Have you seen the out-of-the-box accessibility features included with Cognos Analytics? They may provide the functionality you need without you having to resort to JavaScript (which is complex to code and difficult to maintain).
Just a thought...
Thanks for the response! I've tested that out in the past, actually, but couldn't really get it to do anything related to enabling high contrast mode. In the article, it references being operable in High Contrast Mode but if I turn Accessibility Features on and then run some reports, nothing is different. I found a reference in one of the related articles called Showing accessible report output in IBM® Cognos Analytics - Reporting https://www.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/SSEP7J_11.0.0/com.ibm.swg.ba.cognos.ca_accessibility.doc/t_rs_accessibility_option.html (https://www.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/SSEP7J_11.0.0/com.ibm.swg.ba.cognos.ca_accessibility.doc/t_rs_accessibility_option.html) - that mentioned including accessibility features when running a report but I do not have that option during my tests.
I'm kind of wondering if it's something that the Cognos administrators for my company haven't fully enabled or installed?
Quote from: ThatKingslayer on 25 Apr 2019 02:46:32 PM
Thanks for the response! I've tested that out in the past, actually, but couldn't really get it to do anything related to enabling high contrast mode. In the article, it references being operable in High Contrast Mode but if I turn Accessibility Features on and then run some reports, nothing is different. I found a reference in one of the related articles called Showing accessible report output in IBM® Cognos Analytics - Reporting https://www.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/SSEP7J_11.0.0/com.ibm.swg.ba.cognos.ca_accessibility.doc/t_rs_accessibility_option.html (https://www.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/SSEP7J_11.0.0/com.ibm.swg.ba.cognos.ca_accessibility.doc/t_rs_accessibility_option.html) - that mentioned including accessibility features when running a report but I do not have that option during my tests.
I'm kind of wondering if it's something that the Cognos administrators for my company haven't fully enabled or installed?
Were the reports you tested authored to contain accessibility features?