What data sources does Exploration support? Obviously directly uploaded data. What about CQM Packages, DQM Packages, Data Modules, Data Sets, and Data Server Connections?
Quote from: B.C. on 19 Apr 2019 10:17:20 AM
What data sources does Exploration support? Obviously directly uploaded data. What about CQM Packages, DQM Packages, Data Modules, Data Sets, and Data Server Connections?
If you are using packages, there is an "Enrich package" option in the ellipsis menu for the package in the portal. This will add extra metadata the Explore capability requires.
I haven't tried CQM packages (I don't currently have access to any) but DQM packages definitely work. Data Modules work and Data Sets work. You can't use a Data Server Connection directly, but if you reference it in a Data Module or a Package, you can then explore on its data.
Thank you MFGF!