We have been having very poor production execution times for our reports. This issue happened over night and we can't figure out what the issue is or of any changes made. Is there a log somewhere in cognos that will show any settings that may have changed in Cognos?
I don't think a log like that exists.
Generally when I see issues like this happening overnight, the first thing I check is the system. Is there sufficient disk space on the dispatchers? Check for core dumps under the bin64 and wlp directories.
Thank you for your help CognosPaul, can you please walk through what I should be looking for specifically?
Check the hard disk space available on the drive that Cognos is on. If it's unusually low, check the WLP and BIN64 folders for any files that are bigger than 100MB. If you see any like that post the filenames here.
The disk space is normal on all application servers.
BIBusTKServerMain_seh_8900_1996.dmp is a dmp file that is 1.1M KB.
Only the one dmp? It's probably not it then.
Next, check CPU usage on your dispatchers and database servers. Do you have any reports running for more than a day?
Another possibility might be a botched ETL process. Is it possible that a process, or part of a process, didn't run and you're now dealing with a crossjoin somewhere? Has the volume of data increased substantially at all?
The logs directory would be another place to look for log files. If you have a relatively newer (r9) CA then the cognosserver.log file might be your first stop. If not, then try the p2pd file.
Stop the cognos services.
Please go to installation location /analytics/data/search .
Delete indices Directory.
and restart the cognos services.