The answer is: it depends on whether that aggregate is the most optimal under the circumstances.
A report with 8 dimensions in it seems
big. An aggregate with 8 dimensions in it seems big too.
Quote5. Selected two measures and selected few levels in some dimensions and all the levels in the rest of the dimensions as per the Report Criteria.
When you select a level from a dimension and bring it into an aggregate, you are telling the aggregate to include that level in the aggregate. The lowest selected level will be the level of detail for that dimension in the aggregate. Subsequently the fact aggregation level will be at that dimension level, which will mean that the aggregation roll-up and, thus, the size of the aggregate might be not as optimally-sized as desired. Eventually you end up with your case: with an in-memory aggregate which is not that much smaller than the source fact table but faster just because it's in-memory.
It all depends on the circumstances, though. I'm not quite sure about the report design.
Do you have workload logs generated? They might be a good place to identify smaller aggregates, which would have better performance than the aggregate that you created and probably not generate message like that.